Saturday, May 10, 2014

Should I??

In a few short weeks I will start training for my first ever Full 26.2 Miles Marathon. I still can't believe that I will be running a Marathon. I get overwhelmed just thinking about this adventure I am about to start!!! The problem is I am already wanting to sign up for another Marathon that is almost exactly a month after my first one. Is this crazy? Should I do it? What will the hubby say? Yes I have not even told Barry yet that I want to run this. (Chances are he may read this and find out about my current predicament!)

I'll start from the beginning of when I decided to sign up to run a full marathon. I was online looking through the evens of the Rock n' Roll Series, and there was Portugal listed. The pictures were AMAZING!!! I knew I wanted to run one and I wanted to make sure if I was going to be somewhere that would be awesome for a first timer! Also wanted to make sure it was somewhere we wanted to visit before we left the UK this next year. So this is why I picked Portugal. I had heard about another Marathon around the same time, but since we had already been to this location I decided to go with Portugal. Well now I am kinda wishing I picked the other one! But we have already bought plane tickets and made arrangements. So this is where I come to my current predicament!! I want to run ATHENS!!!!

You may wonder why the change of heart. Well, when I first started running I just started running to run. Now I have been running to learn. I love to research and learn about the beginnings of things. This is what I have started to do with running. And what have I learned?? The Original Marathon was in Greece.  If we were here another year overseas it would not be that big of an issue, but since we will be moving before the next event this is my last chance while here.

I never knew something like running a marathon would weight so heavy one me. This is a chance in a life time (Runners high speaking here) and I don't know if I would forgive myself for not running it. The main reason in the beginning like I said was I had already travelled to Greece and since I wanted my whole family there for my first Marathon I choose Portugal.

Now I have to find a way to convince my husband to let me go back to Athens and run the Original Marathon!  How many people can say they have done this??! This is a chance if a life time??! I may never get to be this close to Athens again!!! This is going to take some work! These are the days you wish you had family close to come over and stay with the kids so you both could go. (Mom, that's a hint if you want to come over to England for a week in November this year.)

Monday, April 14, 2014

So it's time for a Jogging Stroller...

Recently a friend of mine has started her journey of running with a double jogging stroller. She asked me what tips I had for running with mine. So I figured what better thing to do then write my next blog post on running with a jogging stroller. 

Why do I run with my stroller? Running was supposed to be my time but thatwasn't  always possible. I wanted to run, I wanted to spend time with my family and I hated it when my husband got home and I was heading out the door to hit the pavement. So I decided to change it up and put my big clunky stroller to use! And that's how my adventure began!

When I first started to run with my jogging stroller I never imagined I would be running with it to train for a marathon. I could hardly run a lap on the track without wanting to die.  Now I average about 3-4 miles a run with it and plan on running anything under 10 miles this summer with it. 

When I made the decision to start running and training with my stroller Google was my best friend. I had no idea what I was about to get my self into.  I was still learning to run as an individual and now I was about to add on to it with a stroller. I found some good tips on making sure to keep form and breathing. Try running with one hand and switch it up. Don't lean on the stroller (this is where it is important to make sure your stroller fits your body) I'm 5'2 and my stroller is a bit tall and this makes pushing up hill and in difficult conditions a little rougher. I focus on my form, slow down, and focus on getting through my run pain free. 

The first thing I suggest is to take it slow. Remember you are running in a whole new form. How you ran before when it was without the extra weight no longer applies. It will take some time but you will find what works for you and get into a comfortable grove with your new running companion. Don't give up!! It will get easier!!! I promise.  

My first few runs were not easy. I felt like I forgot how to run. It wasn't just putting one foot in front of the other any more. All of the sudden it was harder to breathe, my legs were getting tired and how was I going to run with a 2 year old screaming over my iPod? This is when I realized I needed more snacks to bribe Q on these runs. After the first few runs, the girls and I started to fall into routine. I had focused so much on how to run with the stroller it didn't even cross my mind to think about it's affect on the girls. Sure my girls were used to a stroller but not for running. It became my focus to keep them happy while I ran. Luckily my little Miss Peighton loves to nap during the time of our run so she is easy to keep happy. However, Miss Q needs to be occupied. It's getting easier now that the sun is coming out and I don't have to keep them constantly covered from the bad weather. She has started to enjoy our runs and the scenery. Some days our conversations are so funny I don't even need my iPod. The best part of having a talkative toddler is her cheering me on! When she starts yelling "Go Mommy Go" there is no better motivation in the world!

Running with my stroller has done so much for me! I get to spend time with my girls and be a positive influence on them. I also get an amazing strength workout in the process!! The jogging stroller can be an intimidating beast!!! Don't let it be. Give it time and before you know it you will be lost with out it!! Plus it's great for holding you extras accessories and the extra layers of clothing as they come off!

Friday, April 11, 2014

Too skinny...Too Fat... When does it ever end???

Today I was scrolling through my Facebook posts and one of my friends post really got to me. Basically she is being told to eat more she's to skinny. This friend of mine is perfect for her. She is built the way she is built. There is no changing that. It's when I see stuff like this I get really worked up. If your overweight you need to eat less. If you are too skinny eat more. Who decides who's too heavy and who's too skinny? Why does someone's size matter as long as they are healthy??? We are all built different!

I have fought with my weight for the last few years and it has been a personal struggle. Then I woke up one day and realized it didn't matter as long as I was healthy! I had been so wrapped up about being "fat" and uncomfortable in my own skin I knew it was time for a change. I stopped making excuses and started making changes in my life. I realized there was no easy fix! The only person who could fix this was me and I started to realize where I was going wrong. It wasn't the outside that I needed to start with but the person on the inside! Once I realized this things started to look up! 

I'm still working on myself and who I am. Everyday I find out alittle more about myself. One thing is for sure, there is no too skinny or too fat. What really matters is being healthy and happy. When you get these two things together the rest starts to fall into place. It's just sad to think there are so many negative people out there. We shouldn't be putting each other down. We should be building each other up!

I have posted a picture here. The first picture is me after having my 3rd Baby May 2013. The 2nd Picture is March 2014. It has not been an easy road but I have earned every pound lost and every bit of confidence gained!! No one did this for me. It's a struggle at times because you may not know but I Love Cupcakes!! So for now I will continue to run my butt off and workout out like crazy so every cupcake I do eat is earned and well worth it!!

So after all my jabbering here what I'm trying to say is.... Stop judging each other by what their size is! Being Healthy is what matters! Help build each other up and stop being so dang hateful!

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Comfort Zone

I have noticed that I get comfortable with a pace. There is nothing wrong with this and I know that but lately I have been pushed out if my comfort zone with my running. 

My husband says I drive like I run. I tend to speed up, slow down, speed up and especially with music. However, I don't usually get away from my comfortable pace. I get lost in it and what's around me and I forget what I'm doing. 

Then recently I have started to leave my little happy place and have stepped into a new level. My pace is normally so consistent that I could tell you how far I went just by how long I was running for. So this last week when I hit a new PR on a 5k run with my double jogging stroller, I was stoked!! I had taken almost 5 minutes off my average 5k pace and that was with these 2 kids!! 

It's the little accomplishments that make me keep pushing and doing what I am doing. Sometimes all you need to do is push yourself and other times you may need a push from those around you. If I had been out running by myself I can almost guarantee that my pace would not have improved. It has been finding other runners and moms and friends to push me when I didnt think I could push myself any further.  

Every day has become a new adventure with running. Some days I can't wait to get out the door and other days it's Quinn and Peighton who are ready to go running, with as Quinn calls them "her people".  Peighton has even gotten to a point of no napping if we are not out on a run during her nap time. 

Running has helped me start to settle in as a stay at home, domesticated engineer. The last few months have been amazing and I am so excited to see what the future holds for me! This summer is going to be awesome. 

At the end of my runs during the week, we always end on the track so Quinn can go for "her run". Yesterday Peighton joined us on the track. My little baby is walking and it's so awesome to be able to share my journey with my two little ones. Q & P making my running journey what it is all about!

Monday, April 7, 2014

Baking and Running

So for the last few weeks I have put a major hold on my baking! However, I really miss it. So I have decided that I need to find a happy middle. I need to start baking healthy versions that are runner and weight watchers friendly. So over the next few weeks this is going to be my new mission!!

Today I found a new recipie to try out for tomorrow's after run get together. I just say it was a success!! These lemon poppy seed muffins are super yummy. It has been very hard not to eat all of them tonight! This is a recipie I will be using again for sure. 

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Sunday Mornings....

Over the past 3 months, Sunday mornings have become "Me Time". I love running with Quinn and Peighton during the week but when it is time for that long run I am ready to just let go and run! No stroller, no kids, no worrying about do the  girls have enough snacks, does Quinn have to pee or is she going to drop the iPad from the stroller. It's also a good time to reflect on the week of running and hard work with the stroller. 

After finishing up my first half marathon on Sunday, on the drive home, I told my husband "it's over, all the training and all the running and it's over". It was then that I realized the hard part wasn't running the half marathon, it was the training. The running 4 days a week when I had never ran as part of a routine. The losing all my excuses and getting out there when it was cold and raining. Loading the girls in the stroller when they were being pains in the butt. The half marthon was the easy part!! I just went and did what I had been training for. 

Now I have running fever!! I feel like I want to go out and run a half marathon every weekend!! I loved how I felt when I finished that run!! I have shown myself I can do more then I ever thought I could. I used to say I'm not a runner. Now I am happy to say I am a Runner! It has become a part of who I am and I love it!! Happy Sunday (Runday) everyone!! Then to make my morning even better there on the counter when I got back was a Mother's Day card from my hubby and the girls. (It's Mother's Day here in the UK) Couldn't ask for anything more!

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

The Next Run...

Let me tell you what! Stairs were my worst enemy on Monday after running the Half Marathon..well them and the having to go pee. Who knew having to go pee would almost make you cry when you had to sit down! The best part about Monday for me is it is OFF Day. Sometimes this makes me sad because I have come to really look forward to my daily runs. At the same time though I like to let my body rest and I know that it needs it. It also makes Monday an easy day after the crazy weekend! So Monday I did absolutely nothing and spent the day with the girls. I was still debating if I was going to go to the group run on Tuesday.

Tuesday morning I was still rather sore but figured it would be good to go run. Boy was I right. I felt so much better after stretching my muscles out! It was a nice slow 3.5 mile run with the jogger and it felt good. I have also come to a point where I really look forward to Tuesday and Thursday runs because it is something on the calendar. I have been getting into a routine and it involved hardly leaving the house. Especially since the weather is so moody you never know what might happen.

To make the day even better I finally received a reply for a volunteer opportunity that I have been looking into. I am working on my reply now and will post more about it when I know more! I am really looking forward to this! Since I  have become a stay at home mom I sometimes feel like I don't have enough to do. I get into the routine of the same thing everyday and have been trying to find a way to do something more but still be able to involve my girls. Can't wait to tell more when I know more!!!

Then today I went ahead and went for another run. I was having the normal morning dialog in my head while looking outside and debating if it was worth lugging out that heavy stroller and getting the girls ready. I am glad I did! I had a good short run, still can't believe I am considering 2 miles a short run now when less then year ago the thought of that was crazy to me to do for fun. It's days like to day that I am thankful that I am finding new friends and learning more and growing everyday with my love for baking. It was also Waffle Wednesday so I needed to get a good run in before I stuffed my face with a waffle!

Monday, March 24, 2014

13.1 - I Ran my First Half Marathon

After 3 Months of training the day finally came to run my first half marathon. It is hard to find the words to describe what I am feeling after this accomplishment in my life. I'm going to write it all because this is something I want to remember for forever!

Back in December a Friend brought up the idea of running a half marathon and I said she was crazy. At this point I was running some but not to the point of running 13.1 miles for fun. But I decided what the heck might as well give it a try. So we had decided on a run close to home, the Cambridge Half Marathon. However the day it opened for registration I couldn't get online in time to register. It was full in less then 12 hours!!! So I did what any sane person would do and turned to Google and searched half marathons in March 2014. That is when I stumbled upon the Warwick Half Marathon. Decided this was the one for me plus we had been wanting to go see the castle. Why not make a day trip out of it? So I signed up by myself because I knew if I didn't I pry would pry chicken out and take back the idea of running a half marathon. There was no turning back after hitting the registration button!

Next it was time to start researching training plans. I have never ran this type of distance so I figured I needed to do it right! I decided on the Hal Higdon Half Marathon Training Plan. I even downloaded the App for my IPhone. So for the next 3 Months Hal Become my Virtual Coach through my head phones. Now I was starting to run 4 times a week when I had only been running once a week. Little did I know my fitness way of life was about to change!!

I had been following another fitness plan when I started this training plan. After a month or so of doing both running and my other plan I decided to drop all my other workouts and focus on my running. I had started to gain weight and I was just to dang tired!! Who knew running would be so tiring??!! Another change that I made were my short runs during the week. I had been waiting to do them at night when my husband would get home to watch the kids. After a few weeks of this though I started missing the time with him. I felt like we were high fiving at the door. So I did what any mom with a double jogging stroller would do. I started running with my stroller 3 days a week. 

When I started running with my stroller it was a challenge. Keeping 2 kids happy while you run is a challenge in itself. But I was determined to do it! I had to balance my running and family and this was my best option. After a few runs with the stroller I could feel my runs getting stronger. It was also a way to add in strength training directly!! Also needed some hill work and on base there is one hill that can really be considered a hill. Started running it with the stroller and it was do worth it!

After a few weeks of running by myself I started to get lonely! This was when I learned about a thing called a Running Group! Like I have said before the Running World was new to me! I had no idea people actually got together for fun to run. I took a leap and showed up to running group with my big clunky stroller and ran! I was thrilled to find people to run with and most of all who were bound to push me! Also it was somewhere I could learn more about running!!

Before I knew it I was running the same pace with my stroller that I was running by myself before the group. Running with the group gave me the extra push I needed. I also started to make new friends, friends that have just made me love running more!

Then it was time! March 23rd was finally here!!! The night before I could hardly sleep. I double, triple checked my clothes and made sure it was all ready! My Garmin watch was charged and ready to go! Now all I had to do was make sure the kids and hubby where ready to leave on time in the morning. The drive was about 2 hours so getting a 2 year old up and ready to go a 4:30am can be a challenge. I told her we had to go rescue Jake (fron Jack and the Neverland Pirates) and she was up ready to go! However, she said we had to save Izzy and Cubby too! Then it was time to wake up Peighton! She is set in her ways and telling her it was time to go was a little difficult. But we finally made it to the car and we were on our way!

It was chilly!! It was cloudy!! We thought for sure we were going to have a bad day. Then right as it was time to start the sun came out and a beautiful rainbow was there in the sky. That was the moment I knew it was going to be a good day for 13.1 miles. Still a firm believer in God and his rainbows!! Before I knew it we were running! There were people everywhere. It was an amazing, almost overwhelming feeling to see so many people! I just wanted to soak it all up. There were people all along the road to support the runners! It was a humbling experience. From this point I just ran. I did what I had been training for. I took in the view around me. It was fun to check out all the runners around me! The one I'll remember most was the super tall guy with a "UTAH" shirt on. He was all over the place. Then there was the guy at mile 7 with GU hanging from his belt and I was wondering if he would notice it missing because all of the sudden I was super hungry. It was about this point I started to tire. I was hungry, my legs were getting kind of sore and they were out of water at the last stop. Then it was mile 11 before I knew it. My second wind hit me and I was ready to finish.  The song "I know what you did on the dark (Light Em up) by Fall Out Boy came on and I found my step! It was go time! The hill I was on was Mine!

Before I knew it 13.1 miles was over, there was the finish line. I had just completed my first half marathon. Best of all I beat my goal of finishing under 2:30 and did it with out stopping! This was a great mile stone in my life and I can't wait for the next one!!

I had great friends get me through this! Dana and Amanda were there running it with me which was Awesome!! Most of all I couldn't have made it this far if I didn't have an awesome husband. He has been so great in supporting me with my new hobby. The best part after my Run was to see him there waiting for me with the girls. I'm not the best at expressing how I feel but I know what I did would not have been possible with out his support and love! Thank you Barry I love you more than you will ever know!

My story has just started! This is a chapter in my life I will remember forever! It has helped me find myself! I have grown in so many ways over the last few months and I have running to thank for this! 

Saturday, March 22, 2014

The Day Before...

The Day has finally come! I finally get to run my First Half Marathon!! I'm super excited! I just hope I remember how to put one foot in front of another tomorrow.  

Being this is my first half I have no idea what to expect. Sure I have read about it and asked all the questions, but it's never real until you experience it for yourself. 

I think I have everything ready to go! Honestly all I need for sure is my running shoes. Homemade Gatorade is ready for after the race and dry clothes are packed. Let's just hope I can get some sleep!

Friday, March 21, 2014

Running is my Relax Time

Who knew that running could be so relaxing?? 

When I made the decision to stay home with my two girls I had no idea that "alone time" would cease to exist. With my older daughter, Quinn,who is now almost 3,I still had "my" time because I was active duty military and went to work everyday. Then when we had Peighton, 10 months ago today, and I started my new career of the Donesticated Engineer that quiet, alone time was gone! 

It's amazing some of the time you didn't realize you had before kids. Even just the time to wake up in the morning when it's quiet and peaceful, and enjoy a nice cup of coffee. That is no more! I swear these kids have sensors. "Mommies awake, time to get up!" Well unless you have somewhere to be early in the morning and they decide that day to sleep in. Kids don't get enough credit. I know these two plan this stuff out! 

After my first few months of being home I started to miss adult conversation. I started to realize that I was having arguments with Quinn! Worst part, I think she was winning most of the time. Neither one of us were used to being around the other 24/7. Now we couldn't get rid of each other. Then to add to it, she now had to put up with her baby sister, Peighton. Q and I had to find a middle ground or my husband was going to find us both crazy :) 

Then I went for my first run. And you know what I found?? Myself!! It was quiet and I could relax. I could think about everything or nothing at all. I asked myself. "Why did I not enjoy running before?" The answer was simple.. I didn't 
Have kids. 

I love my girls more then life it's self, and it has taken me some time to realize this, but I need my time too! It's ok to need alone time and in the beginning I felt really guilty for wanting my time. But I have gotten over that now. 

I look forward to my long run on the weekend because it's My Time! 

Thursday, March 20, 2014

I Run a 10:30 You Run a 7:30... We still Run the same Mile

This morning I woke up to an Awesome read about "slow" runners. It basically said who cares how slow or fast you, at least you are running. This is so true!!! 

When I first started running I though "wow I am super slow" and over time I have gotten slightly faster but I will never be the girl running a 6 minute mile. And you know what? I'm ok with this! I'm out there every day putting in all I have and I'm running. Who cares how fast or slow I go because all that matters in the end is that I'm Running. On top of running, most days I am pushing a double jogging stroller with 2 kids! Not only do I get a cardio workout but I'm strength training at the same time! 

So I am content with my 1030 mile because in the end a mile is still the same  distance no matter how fast you run it :) so if you think you are a "slow" runner don't!  You are a Runner!

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Into to I Run for Cupcakes - Why do you Run?

This is a blog for anyone who loves Cupcakes, Running and Fitness! When I dropped out of the Air Force to be a Domesticated Engineer (AKA Stay at Home Mom) I never thought I would find a new Escape from the Land of Crazy! My escape has become Running. I also had to find a way to work off all the Cupcakes I was baking! Running and Working out take care of both of these things! Since having my Daughter P, I have completed a 2 Half Marathons, A Full Round of Insanity and I just started PiYO.  I am also training for my First Full Marathon in Lisbon, Portugal October 5th! (Never did I Imagine I would be writing those words) I had taken a break from my normal routines of working out since I have been running so much! I decided it was time to add back in strength training! It was perfecting time because the Release of PiYO was happening right as I was looking for a new workout. I decided it was time to order and I also decided it was time to be a Coach. I have been doing Beachbody Workouts starting back to the days of Yoga Booty Ballet! Since then I have done Turbo Fire, Insanity, P90X, P90X3, Chaleane Extreme, 21 Day Fix, and currently doing PiYO. I have had Amazing results with these programs and wanted to be able to share this with others!

So a little about me...

When I decided to get out of the Air Force I didn't know what to expect. It is amazing how you picture things in your head when you have no idea what you are about to get yourself into! I always envied the Stay at Home Moms. "That's the Life" I told my self. I had no idea what I was about to get myself into! So in May of 2013 I left the Air Force after 8 years to start my next journey in Life "Domesticated Engineer"  (AKA Stay at Home Mom). I would change my decision for anything!

Life as a Domesticated Engineer is no walk in the park! Do not take this as me complain or whining, this is just a way for me to express what my life is now like! You are on call 24/7 not matter the weather or how you feel. There is no "late reporting" or "work cancelled due to weather". There are no "sick days" and no "long lunches". You are over worked and underpaid! But the best part is.... I chose this life! I get to wake up, if I even had the chance to sleep yet, to my girls! I would give up everything and anything for this!

Everyone is different in how they want to raise their children. After almost 2 years of someone else raising my child I knew what the right decision for me was. I only have a few short years with these two girls and when they grow up and leave me I have the rest of my time to be what I want to be. I had a teacher say once "Who says you can only be one thing when you grow up?" I don't remember much from High School but this quote has always stuck in my head. I grew up and was an Air Man in the greatest Air Force in the World. Now I am a Domesticated Engineer, and who knows what I will be next! I didn't give up my dreams to be a Stay at Home Mom, my dreams just changed for now.

So after a year of being in my new career I needed a few new hobbies. One of these hobbies became Baking CUPCAKES!! Well this hobby was starting to cause me to re think my eating habits so this is where RUNNING as become a factor in my life. I still Bake, but I am now training for Half Marathons and my First Full Marathon in October 2014. I am now able to bake my Cupcakes and eat them, on Occasion that is.

While running started as a part of my fitness journey it has now become part of my Life. It started out as a once a week thing. I still remember my first run after having my daughter Peighton. I had just finished my Saturday round of Insanity and decided to go for a run around the block. The next weekend it turned into almost 2 miles and then 3 and then 4 and so on till I was running almost 10 miles on a Saturday. Next thing I know I am signed up to run a Half Marathon. 13.1 Miles, what the heck am I thinking. Who knew I would be running 4 + days a week, most of those days with a Double Jogging Stroller.  Before this I would only run when I had to in the Air Force. Now I do it for Fun. My girls even look forward to our weekly runs!  To think It all started with "Hey Barry, I am going to go for a run around the block."

Here is just some info on me. I am growing, learning and changing every day. And I am still on the hunt for the perfect cupcake to enjoy in October when I run 26.2 Miles!

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Tuesdays Group Run = Flat Tire

Cupcakes and Running

If you like cupcakes and you like running then this is a great thing. I have always had a love for cupcakes but running is a new love.  The awesome thing is, the more I run the more cupcakes I can eat! At least that is how  I think   However, cupcakes have become a treat. I require hard work and dedication now before I allow my self to indulge on cupcakes!