Monday, April 14, 2014

So it's time for a Jogging Stroller...

Recently a friend of mine has started her journey of running with a double jogging stroller. She asked me what tips I had for running with mine. So I figured what better thing to do then write my next blog post on running with a jogging stroller. 

Why do I run with my stroller? Running was supposed to be my time but thatwasn't  always possible. I wanted to run, I wanted to spend time with my family and I hated it when my husband got home and I was heading out the door to hit the pavement. So I decided to change it up and put my big clunky stroller to use! And that's how my adventure began!

When I first started to run with my jogging stroller I never imagined I would be running with it to train for a marathon. I could hardly run a lap on the track without wanting to die.  Now I average about 3-4 miles a run with it and plan on running anything under 10 miles this summer with it. 

When I made the decision to start running and training with my stroller Google was my best friend. I had no idea what I was about to get my self into.  I was still learning to run as an individual and now I was about to add on to it with a stroller. I found some good tips on making sure to keep form and breathing. Try running with one hand and switch it up. Don't lean on the stroller (this is where it is important to make sure your stroller fits your body) I'm 5'2 and my stroller is a bit tall and this makes pushing up hill and in difficult conditions a little rougher. I focus on my form, slow down, and focus on getting through my run pain free. 

The first thing I suggest is to take it slow. Remember you are running in a whole new form. How you ran before when it was without the extra weight no longer applies. It will take some time but you will find what works for you and get into a comfortable grove with your new running companion. Don't give up!! It will get easier!!! I promise.  

My first few runs were not easy. I felt like I forgot how to run. It wasn't just putting one foot in front of the other any more. All of the sudden it was harder to breathe, my legs were getting tired and how was I going to run with a 2 year old screaming over my iPod? This is when I realized I needed more snacks to bribe Q on these runs. After the first few runs, the girls and I started to fall into routine. I had focused so much on how to run with the stroller it didn't even cross my mind to think about it's affect on the girls. Sure my girls were used to a stroller but not for running. It became my focus to keep them happy while I ran. Luckily my little Miss Peighton loves to nap during the time of our run so she is easy to keep happy. However, Miss Q needs to be occupied. It's getting easier now that the sun is coming out and I don't have to keep them constantly covered from the bad weather. She has started to enjoy our runs and the scenery. Some days our conversations are so funny I don't even need my iPod. The best part of having a talkative toddler is her cheering me on! When she starts yelling "Go Mommy Go" there is no better motivation in the world!

Running with my stroller has done so much for me! I get to spend time with my girls and be a positive influence on them. I also get an amazing strength workout in the process!! The jogging stroller can be an intimidating beast!!! Don't let it be. Give it time and before you know it you will be lost with out it!! Plus it's great for holding you extras accessories and the extra layers of clothing as they come off!

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