Friday, April 11, 2014

Too skinny...Too Fat... When does it ever end???

Today I was scrolling through my Facebook posts and one of my friends post really got to me. Basically she is being told to eat more she's to skinny. This friend of mine is perfect for her. She is built the way she is built. There is no changing that. It's when I see stuff like this I get really worked up. If your overweight you need to eat less. If you are too skinny eat more. Who decides who's too heavy and who's too skinny? Why does someone's size matter as long as they are healthy??? We are all built different!

I have fought with my weight for the last few years and it has been a personal struggle. Then I woke up one day and realized it didn't matter as long as I was healthy! I had been so wrapped up about being "fat" and uncomfortable in my own skin I knew it was time for a change. I stopped making excuses and started making changes in my life. I realized there was no easy fix! The only person who could fix this was me and I started to realize where I was going wrong. It wasn't the outside that I needed to start with but the person on the inside! Once I realized this things started to look up! 

I'm still working on myself and who I am. Everyday I find out alittle more about myself. One thing is for sure, there is no too skinny or too fat. What really matters is being healthy and happy. When you get these two things together the rest starts to fall into place. It's just sad to think there are so many negative people out there. We shouldn't be putting each other down. We should be building each other up!

I have posted a picture here. The first picture is me after having my 3rd Baby May 2013. The 2nd Picture is March 2014. It has not been an easy road but I have earned every pound lost and every bit of confidence gained!! No one did this for me. It's a struggle at times because you may not know but I Love Cupcakes!! So for now I will continue to run my butt off and workout out like crazy so every cupcake I do eat is earned and well worth it!!

So after all my jabbering here what I'm trying to say is.... Stop judging each other by what their size is! Being Healthy is what matters! Help build each other up and stop being so dang hateful!

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